Enrico's Birthday Gift

Although you may feel inclined to buy me a birthday gift as a thank you for the 70 years of sexiness I have brought to your lives, instead of a gift, I would appreciate a donation to a cause that is very close to my heart: Lung Cancer Research.Some of you may already be aware that I have lost my mother to lung cancer and in an effort to ensure our loved ones will no longer have to battle this terrible disease in the future, I kindly ask my dear friends and family to make a donation. On this occasion, I urge the smokers among us to light a birthday candle instead of a cigarette. Thank you, EZ

Enrico's Birthday Gift

Una campagna per il compleanno di Enrico Zanarini
Raccolta fondi di Enrico Zanarini

Although you may feel inclined to buy me a birthday gift as a thank you for the 70 years of sexiness I have brought to your lives, instead of a gift, I would appreciate a donation to a cause that is very close to my heart: Lung Cancer Research.

Some of you may already be aware that I have lost my mother to lung cancer and in an effort to ensure our loved ones will no longer have to battle this terrible disease in the future, I kindly ask my dear friends and family to make a donation. 

On this occasion, I urge the smokers among us to light a birthday candle instead of a cigarette. 

Thank you, 


14.725 €

10.000 €
41 Donazioni
La campagna sostiene il progetto: Tumore del polmone e malattie correlate al fumo
Obiettivo totale del progetto: 15.000 €

Da sempre Fondazione Umberto Veronesi è impegnata nel sostegno alla ricerca sul tumore al polmone e le malattie fumo-correlate, ma anche nella sensibilizzazione della società civile e dell’opinione pubblica sui danni derivati dal fumo.


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