Remember your why.

“Remember your why”.This is what we get asked during the anthem of an Ironman competition at the starting line.We are all athletes who trained extensively for months, if not for years - standing there, for that single day, for that lifetime moment when we do all our very best to get to that finish line.Each one of us holds a totally different motivation that brings us waking up at 5 am, training +20hrs a week across three different disciplines, investing time in meal prep, workouts schedules, endless washing machines, sports massages, and physio visits, …The choice of IM Lanzarote isn’t casual: it’s well known to be one of the toughest races in the IM circuit. It’s certainly my most challenging sports competition that I am trying to undertake so far.After the IM 70.3 in Cervia 2022 - my ever first Triathlon competition, and IM 140.6 last year, I decided to set the bar very high and shoot for IM Lanzarote, expected to be 18 May 2024.For this event - I couldn’t think of a better Why than bringing a good cause with me: I want to share with you all that alongside pain and fatigue - happiness, hope, and positivity can still coexist. I want to be your daily reminder that there is always a reason to smile, no matter how bad the day could feel mentally or physically.From the bottom of my heart, I thank you in advance for any donation you can make; the entire amount donated will be given to those who are not as privileged as I am. Thank you for sticking with me, supporting me, and my Why.Lots of Love & Light,Ally

Remember your why.

Una campagna per l'evento "Ironman Lanzarote 140.6" (18/05/2024)
Raccolta fondi di Alison Amos
Regione VENETO

“Remember your why”.

This is what we get asked during the anthem of an Ironman competition at the starting line.

We are all athletes who trained extensively for months, if not for years - standing there, for that single day, for that lifetime moment when we do all our very best to get to that finish line.

Each one of us holds a totally different motivation that brings us waking up at 5 am, training +20hrs a week across three different disciplines, investing time in meal prep, workouts schedules, endless washing machines, sports massages, and physio visits, …

The choice of IM Lanzarote isn’t casual: it’s well known to be one of the toughest races in the IM circuit. It’s certainly my most challenging sports competition that I am trying to undertake so far.

After the IM 70.3 in Cervia 2022 - my ever first Triathlon competition, and IM 140.6 last year, I decided to set the bar very high and shoot for IM Lanzarote, expected to be 18 May 2024.

For this event - I couldn’t think of a better Why than bringing a good cause with me: I want to share with you all that alongside pain and fatigue - happiness, hope, and positivity can still coexist. I want to be your daily reminder that there is always a reason to smile, no matter how bad the day could feel mentally or physically.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you in advance for any donation you can make; the entire amount donated will be given to those who are not as privileged as I am. 

Thank you for sticking with me, supporting me, and my Why.

Lots of Love & Light,


50 €

1.000 €
2 Donazioni
La campagna sostiene il progetto: Oncologia e prevenzione
Obiettivo totale del progetto: 50.000 €

Nel mondo sono ogni anno 7 milioni le vittime di cancro. Fondazione Umberto Veronesi si impegna per vedere un futuro senza cancro.


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